Are you ready to uncover your wonderful self and shine your light bright and far?
This program is designed for those who want to immerse themselves in the transformational journey of inner growth by looking within and awakening to their brilliance.

If you want to feel better, more confident, happier and worthy then the ‘Shine Your Light’ Awakening Program is perfect for you.
During this program you will be guided and supported to look within, honour yourself, and build a nurturing relationship with you. Working together you will build the foundations where your new empowered self can flourish and shine.

Your 4-Month ‘Shine Your Light’ Awakening Program Includes:

  • A 90-minute Kick-Off Strategy Session to set the foundations for the work ahead
  • 9 x 60-minute coaching sessions
  • 1 x 60-minute support and follow-up coaching session
  • A welcome pack (that includes a beautiful notebook and journal to record all your discoveries and learning)
  • Transformational exercises, tools, and worksheets (to complete in between sessions. This is an essential part of the work and your success)
  • Personalized Action Plan after each session
  • Handouts, notes and resources
  • A copy of ‘Freedom of the Soul’
  • Set of 4 Transformational Subliminal Meditation/Visualization Audios (to help you create lasting change and transformation in the areas of Health, Relationships, Self-Esteem and Weight Loss/Happiness)  


Do you want to Shine your Light?

Get Started on your Journey