Rewrite your Story to Transform, Heal and Empower Your Life

If you could change something about your life, what would it be?

It doesn’t matter what happened in the past or what your life looks like today. You CAN transform your tomorrow.

We live and experience our lives through our multitude of stories; stories that we carry within us for our entire lives. Parts of our stories may be full of successes and joy that motivate and empower us. Yet, other parts may contain instances of heartache, sadness and mishaps that become the heavy weight keeping us from attaining what we truly desire.

Your stories are important, they’ve made you who you are today, however, if they disempower you, you can choose to tell them in a different way, a way that resonates with your authentic self, with who and what you want to be and experience.

Old stories, wounds, negative patterns, we all have them—it’s part of being human.

It’s when we avoid looking at them that we often end up stuck, feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed.

However, so many of us were never taught how to get unstuck and change our stories. This is your chance. This is an invitation to learn how to tell a story that honours your desires, reignites your passion and sets you free.

With the life coaching exercises included in this workshop, you’ll learn how to find the story you want to tell, heal your feelings and emotions, and establish a more empowering perspective that will change the way you experience life.

What if you told your stories in a way that:

  • Spoke about your desires and dreams?
  • Made you feel good, excited and happy?
  • Inspired healing and transformation?
  • Viewed you with compassion and love?

How would that affect your life?

The Rewrite your Story day retreat calls out to dive inward, take off the mask, let all out, and connect with you. Your reward for doing that will be to help you get back into alignment with inner peace, balance and your true self.

This event calls for women who want to learn to transform their inner chatter and the words they speak, who want to choose love and letting go instead of fear and pain, so they can heal from old stories that no longer serve them, inspire their desires, grow, and feel empowered to take charge in their own lives.


  • Choose and reflect on an area of your life that you want to heal and transform, pinpointing what is missing and needs to change in that area.
  • Immerse in the transformative process of rewriting the story with positive intention and filling it with what is meaningful and lights you up.
  • Experience beautiful meditations to reconnect with yourself, to let go, to align with the love within so you can nourish yourself from the inside out.
  • Learn to use stories to change the way you express yourself and feel, and change your outlook on life ~ speak and focus on what brings you love and joy, gives you a sense of purpose and growth in life and bring that feeling into your everyday life.
  • Enjoy the wonderful chance to connect and share a relaxing, inspiring and awakening day with a like-minded group of women.


  • Workbook and handouts
  • A ‘surprise gift voucher’ to be revealed on the day

Join Liliana in this fulfilling, nurturing and inspiring day and learn how to create your own magic by stepping into a new reality.

Take the time to honour, nourish and do something special for yourself. Make space to refocus your attention for a few hours and be rewarded with a new, brighter, and exciting outlook and a refreshed mind, body and soul.


Date: Sunday October 27, 2019

Time: 10.00am to 4.30pm. Registration 9.45am.

Where: The Orange Palette, 31 Berriman Drive, WANGARA

How: buy your ticket now or if you’d like to pay via bank transfer please contact me

Standard Ticket: $110 – It includes the Bonuses: Workbook + Gift Voucher (Total ticket value: $130)

Silver Ticket: $145 – It includes a signed copy of Freedom of the Soul + Practices for a Powerful Year Guide: daily rituals to help you to stay aligned, inspired and motivated with your renewed you + Bonuses. (Total ticket value: $180)

Gold Ticket: $250 – Silver Ticket + VIP 1-on-1 personal session with Liliana to learn how to stay true to your new story and identify your next steps in life. (Total ticket value: $385)

Bring: Lunch (there will be a 30minute lunch break) – water bottle – a pad and pen for notes and journaling – yoga mat, pillows, cushions if you’d like to sit on the floor – your wonderful self.

Wear: comfortable clothes – bring a blanket or wrap to keep warm.

Refreshments: Snacks and a variety of teas are provided.

Words from past participants:

“Thank you again for this fantastic workshop…it was genuinely life-changing & I look forward to attending more!” – Melanie

“Thank you Liliana, you are a beautiful and energetic woman offering a wonderful workshop filled with loving energy and an abundance of information on how to bring positive changes into your life and to create the life you want to live and the person you want to be. I loved it, I left with a new sense of beginning and feeling like I had stepped out of the cement holding me stuck in place” – Christine

“Thanks to you Liliana, it was a great workshop. You are amazing! I would like to also thank you for allowing me to bring up something that I didn’t really think was bothering me, but I now know it does! I am looking forward to our next meeting” – Rose

“Hi beautiful Liliana, yesterday’s event was wonderful and very inspiring. Thank you very much for your enthusiasm, passion and love. I look very much forward to participating in the Women’s Power Circle – sooo exciting – and to seeing you and the lovely ladies again!” – Mareike

For more testimonials, go here

Once you’re on the path of rewriting your story, your world changes… and you begin to shift!

It’s a beautiful feeling when you know you are transcending your old story, writing a new one and noticing the miracles and synchronicities that begin to show up in your experience.

Are you ready?

Book your place in the Rewrite your Story day retreat today!

This is a small group event so please know places are limited.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

If you have any questions, please contact me on

A confirmation email will be sent out closer to the event date.