During this program you will be guided and supported to look within, honour yourself, and build a nurturing relationship with you. Working together you will build the foundations where your new empowered self can flourish and shine.

One of my aims as a teacher is to simplify spiritual principles, lessons and tools so that they’re easy to understand and apply in everyday life. What you’ll learn will allow you to release what holds you back from living a better life and align with the wonderful being that you are!


Here’s What You Get
 When You Say Yes! 

  • A seat in the ‘Shine Your Light’ group program. The program runs for 2 months with 8 x 2 hrs. group sessions. Each week I’ll share new insights and practices that you can apply immediately to start feeling aligned with your ideal life and start making a difference from day 1. PLUS, as it is a small group (max. 5 people), there will be time for exercises, discussion and soul searching.
  • Action Plan after each group session. An essential part of your success is to do the work by applying what you learn. To help you with that, you will receive transformational exercises, tools and worksheets to complete in between sessions.
  • Set of 2 Transformational Subliminal Meditation/Visualization Audios. I’ll share with you an enjoyable daily practice using subliminal technology to create faster change and lasting transformation in less than 30 minutes a day. These life-changing audios include vibrational music, guided visualizations, scientific brain entrainment sounds and affirmations. There are 4 topics to choose from: Health, Relationships, Self-Esteem and Weight Loss or Happiness.
  • Notes, resources, and relevant material. All you need to easily understand and implement my powerful personal practices.
  • A community of AWESOME conscious women to raise your vibration, and cheer you ON and enjoy a cup of tea!
  • Best of All, you’ll get great value and transformation for a fraction of what my 1-on-1 coaching clients pay.


After 5 years of sharing this program with private clients only,

I felt it was time to FINALLY make it (and the investment) within reach of everyone.

For this reason, the launch special for the

‘Shine Your Light’ Awakening Group Program is just $399.


This is just the introductory price. It will go up next time I offer the group program!

If you’ve been wanting to live a happier, simpler, and more fulfilled life … don’t you owe to yourself to gift you with the possibility of it?

Register for the ‘Shine Your Light’ Awakening Group Program


Here are the details

Date & Time (evening or morning)
Tuesday Evenings: 7.00 – 9.00 pm                                         Saturday Mornings: 10.30 am – 12.30 pm
8 weekly sessions from July 3rd to August 21st                     8 weekly sessions from July 8th to August 25th

My home office in Connolly

Package Options (Silver or Golden)

Silver Package includes:

  • A seat in the ‘Shine Your Light’ group program.
  • Action Plan after each group session.
  • Set of 2 Transformational Subliminal Meditation/Visualization Audios.
  • Notes, resources, and relevant material.
  • A community of AWESOME conscious women

      Investment: introductory special for Silver Package $399

Golden package includes:

  • Silver package PLUS
  • Notebook and journal to record all your discoveries and learning
  • A signed copy of ‘Freedom of the Soul’
  • 2 additional Transformational Subliminal Meditation/Visualization Audios
  • 1 Reiki healing session

      Investment: introductory special for Golden package $499

Payment options
Direct Transfer, PayPal, Credit Card


To register please email me at liliana@lilianavanasco.com indicating the day group of your choice, program package, method of payment, and your phone number. I’ll contact you to process your booking and secure your place in the program.

Read what my happy clients have to say…
I’ve been sharing this program to 1-on-1 clients for 5 years now. To read about what they have to say about their experience of working with me, click here.

I look forward to sharing this experience with you. I hope you’ll join me for this special treat for yourself and your soul!