Are You Ready to Change the Way You Look at You?

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change" ~ Wayne Dyer There is a principle in physics –Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle– that teaches that when you change the way you look at something, the thing you look at changes in response. This is true of subatomic particles as it [...]

2021-06-19T11:37:09+08:00June 1st, 2021|Empowerment, Mindset, Services|

5 Practices that keep you stuck and prevent you from moving forward

5 Practices that keep you stuck & prevent you from moving forward   In my last post, I shared and explained the first step in the process to elevate your life. Step 1: Make the decision to move upward and forward This step is CRUCIAL because it initiates the shifting of energy. It gets the [...]

2019-05-01T11:46:14+08:00April 29th, 2019|Empowerment, Positive habits, Services|

Write a New Story for the New Year

For many people, the end of the year cannot come soon enough as they want to start afresh with the new one. Maybe your year hasn’t been good or as good as expected; maybe unhappy memories ask for your attention and overshadow the happy ones. If you end your year with the desire to be [...]

‘Shine Your Light’ Awakening Group Program – July/August 2018

During this program you will be guided and supported to look within, honour yourself, and build a nurturing relationship with you. Working together you will build the foundations where your new empowered self can flourish and shine. One of my aims as a teacher is to simplify spiritual principles, lessons and tools so that they’re [...]

2018-06-07T09:58:47+08:00June 3rd, 2018|Empowerment, Events, Services, Soul Filled Living|


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