I am delighted to be presenting Soul Lessons, sharing spiritual teachings and practical tools to help you live a more conscious, inspired and empowered life.

Soul Lessons are for you if you’d like to enjoy more happiness, heightened vibration and inner growth, as well as more flow, peace and balance in your life.

My intention behind the classes is to offer you a space where week after week, you can switch off from the busyness of your life and the many demands and distractions of the outside world, and take time to immerse into your inner world, connect with your inner wisdom and learn heartfelt practices and life skills that will foster wellbeing and expand your heart, mind and soul.

About Soul Lessons

Each week we’ll explore a new topic and I’ll guide you through simple exercises and meditations to help you understand and connect with the topic and show you how to easily apply it to your everyday life.

At the end of each lesson you will emerged more relaxed and balanced; inspired, uplifted and empowered. You will also have simple but powerful tools that you can apply immediately into your life if you so desire.

The outline of topics presented during Soul Lessons is as follows:

    1. Laying the foundations for the journey (learn the practices that will help you make the most of this program)
    2. Claiming back your power (uncover who you really are and learn to embrace your inner power)
    3. Harnessing the power of your vibrations – P1 (learn about your physical and non-physical self and understand your vibrational essence)
    4. Harnessing the power of your vibrations – P2 (understanding vibrations as your point of power. Learn how to raise your vibrations and influence your surroundings)
    5. Tuning into your inner guidance (how to find peace, harmony, balance and answers to your questions by looking within)
    6. Opening the heart to love (learn the importance of self-love and how to practice it)
    7. Using the power of forgiveness to heal (learn the gift that letting go is and how to do it in a way that feels safe and honours you)
    8. Living in the present moment (learn to live in the ‘now and enjoy the gifts of presence)
    9. Embracing oneness (learn to see past the differences and shift your life by understanding the power of oneness)
    10. Living in purpose (discover the answer to ‘what’s my purpose?’ and have a clear understanding of what living life really is)
    11. Manifesting your desires (learn to harness the power of your thoughts and words to manifest what you want in life)
    12. Celebration and Gratitude (celebrate the end of this journey by learning how gratitude is the fastest way to happiness and abundance)


The material for Soul Lessons comes mainly from my book ‘Freedom of the Soul’. The book provides the roadmap and tools to a new way of being and living showing that re-connecting with your true self is the way to a happier life, healing, creativity, and transformation.

If you’d like to learn more about my book in order to gain a better understanding of what the lessons are about and download a free introductory chapter, please click here.

A journey of self-discovery

In summary, Soul Lessons will take you on a journey where you’ll learn to appreciate how magnificent, powerful, important, and unique you are. As a result you will begin to shift and transform from within and intentionally start experiencing life from a different perspective, a different point of power, with more awareness, and with a new attitude.

Let’s hear some comments from those who have already completed the program:

“I had my session with Liliana, Soul Lessons. A beautiful and energetic woman offering a wonderful session filled with loving energy and an abundance of information in how to bring the changes into your life to guide you to the life you want to live and the person you want to be. I loved it, I left with a new sense of beginning and feeling like I had stepped out of the cement holding me stuck in place” – Christine

“Liliana, the class was amazing. It really inspired me! I felt that I was meant to be there today and listen what you had to say. It really resonated with my little soul. Thank you” – Emily

“This is the only time during the week when I really stop and give some time to myself. I enjoy what I am learning and I can already notice the difference it’s making in my life” – Lisa

“Brilliant class. Liliana is just divine in the way she delivers her very powerful informative life changing access to your true self” – Chrissy

If you too, would like to experience some of these results while enjoying a new connection with yourself and the world around you, then Soul Lessons are the perfect place to start.

Where, When and How?

Starting on 3rd January 2018, I will be running Soul Lessons at the Siddhi Space in Wangara, on two different time slots: Wednesdays at 7pm – 8:15pm and Thursdays at 11am – 12.15 pm.

The sessions are booked through the centre. To attend you can either pay on an ‘as you go’ basis, buy block of sessions, or join the centre as a member.

I hope to see you at Siddhi Space. And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to assist.