Release, Reset & Reignite workshop – 08/10/23

Join me in a transformational experience to release emotional baggage, step into a refreshed frequency and open your heart to receive.   Spring has arrived, bringing a fresh chance for positive change. If you are ready to open to Spring’s energy of renewal to evaluate your emotional baggage, big or small, and let go of [...]

Amplify your Vibrations Workshop – 31/10/21

Amplify your Vibration and Step into your Power Workshop. Energy is contagious, positive and negative alike. When you learn to choose your vibrational frequency, you learn to step into your power. We are immersed in a vibrational world and we are constantly giving and receiving energy. How you respond to that interaction affects your experience [...]

Step Into Your Year Of Divine Manifesting – 21/02/21

Come join us to be energized, empowered and inspired to step into your year of Divine Manifesting.   Make 2021 the year where you INTENTIONALLY and CONSCIOUSLY learn to create from the power of your heart’s intelligence and embrace the powerful designer of your life that you are. This empowering day is an invitation for [...]

7 Practices to Help You Get Off the Emotional Roller-coaster

7 Practices to Help You Get Off the Emotional Roller-coaster We are so powerful and resilient that we CAN handle many aspects of us and our lives at once even when they want to pull us in different directions. We can be sad/scared/insecure/hurting… and we can still remain hopeful and focused on where we want to [...]

Amplify your Vibrations workshop – 26/07/20

Amplify your Vibration and Step into your Power Workshop. You create your life through your vibrations by attracting that which is a vibrational match. When you learn to set your vibrational frequency, you learn to shape your reality the way you want it.   We are immersed in a vibrational world and we are constantly [...]

5 Steps to Build Strong Foundations for Life

5 Steps to Build Strong Foundations for Life   In the midst of all the chaos and disruption that is in our lives at present, it’s easy to feel lack of control and worry about what life will look like after things go back to normal. However, when you have practices in your life that [...]

How to Stay Positive and Focused as You Navigate these Uncommon Times

We cannot deny or ignore that the whole world is going through a big shakeup at present and it’s new territory for most of us. Things are changing on an hourly basis and it is stressful and overwhelming trying to process the changes and adjusting to our new reality. It may seem impossible not to [...]

Step into your year of divine manifesting – 18/01/20

This 2020 step into your divine manifesting power. This January join me for an empowering and inspiring fest. How would you love to make 2020 the year where you INTENTIONALLY and CONSCIOUSLY plant the seeds of your heart’s desires and nurture them so they will carry you forward into the vision of the life you [...]

The Power of Gratitude as a Daily Practice

The Power of Gratitude as a Daily Practice   Gratitude lifts your spirit, makes you more resilient, and directs your attention to the good that is already present in your life while surrounding you with positive vibration. That's why gratitude is top of my list in my daily rituals. I give thanks every single day [...]

Raise your Vibrations & Step into your Power Workshop – 4/8/19

Raise Your Vibration & Step into Your Power Workshop - 4/8/19    We are immersed in a vibrational world and we are constantly giving and receiving energy. How you respond to that interaction affects your experience of life. High energy or vibration makes you feel good, balanced, aligned and happy. Low energy is the opposite; [...]


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