Affirmations used as part of your daily rituals will support you in living a more empowered and conscious life.
As part of my intention to living in an empowered and soul filled way, I perform different daily rituals.
A quick note on the importance of rituals (I’ll share more about this topic on another blog):
- they can be as simple or as complex as you desire, and they don’t need to take a lot of your time to be effective.
- they create habits that you choose to embrace in a more meaningful and mindful approach. Therefore, a ritual is not something you have to do but is something that you choose to do because it aligns you with what is important to you and to your life.
So, one of my rituals takes place at the beginning of my working day. Every morning, when I sit at my desk before diving into my work-related activities, I take a few minutes to read aloud a list of affirmations for the soul, success and abundance that I have compiled over time.
I love saying these affirmations because they help me set the intentions for my day, direct my mindset to what I want to focus on, and provide me with a feel-good sensation that comes from energetically aligning myself with the vibration of success and abundance.
Many of the affirmations in my list come from my book. I love and believe in them so much that I wrote a section in Chapter 4 called ‘Affirmations for the Soul’ to explain the power of using affirmations and how I use them in my everyday life.
Some people think that affirmations are just words; however, they are far more than that. Affirmations:
- Help you change unhealthy train of thoughts into more positive ones, for that reason I call them ‘empowering thoughts’.
- Make you feel good and optimistic by giving you a boost of refreshing and positive energy.
- Bring you back to the present moment influencing it in positive ways.
- Pave the path to a wonderful future.
Because I love my affirmations so much, I’d love to share them with YOU so you can too tap into the power of positive affirmations to make your present moment more joyful and to pave the path to creating a wonderful life.
So my GIFT to you is a beautiful ‘Affirmations for the Soul, Success and Abundance’ printable document to inspire and empower you daily.
I love these affirmations and am sure that you will too.
Bonus Tips: How to make the most of these powerful affirmations:
- Print the ‘Affirmations for the Soul, Success & Abundance’ document, laminate it and stick it on a wall at your office and home and say them several times a day.
- Record the affirmations on your phone and play them when you have idle time, for example, when you are waiting in traffic, on a line, for your kids at school, or better yet, play them because they make you feel amazing.
Personally, my powerful affirmations are part of my play list and I listen to them when I go for my walks, when I am doing cleaning around the house, when I am preparing meals, ironing, etc.
As you can see, you have many 5 minutes every day to fill your mind with powerful thoughts that will not only lift you up but affect your life in positive ways.
So, download the file now here – no opt-in required, just a gift from me to make you shine from inside out.
From my heart to yours. Enjoy.
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