Here I am with Eesha, the owner of Siddhi Space, in a short interview about Soul Lessons, the weekly classes I run at the space.

In our modern way of living, with constant demands on our time and attention, distractions and always growing to do lists, it can be easy to lose connection to our own self. When we are disconnected from ourselves, life seems hard, we feel stressed, unmotivated and maybe stuck.

In this video I share how you can feel more energized, empowered and connected with yourself.


What do you do to connect with yourself daily?

If you don’t have any practice in place that allows you to nurture, strengthen, and enjoy a relationship with yourself then it is time to do something about it.

What are the benefits?

A more aligned, vibrant, driven, empowered, happier, and brighter YOU!

Everyone wants to feel that way. And you can! You just need to set the intention to wanting to feel that way and show your commitment by embracing a daily practice or exercise.

In my book I share many simple tools and practices that will help you to establish a connection with yourself. Using any of these practices will make a big difference in the way you feel and in your life in general.

If you prefer to talk about your specific situation then please contact me, I’d be delighted to assist.

Light and love.