I am delighted to be presenting The Art of Mindful Living at the South Perth Learning Centre.

If you enjoy meeting with like-minded others wishing to positively transform their lives and wellbeing then this is a talk you’ll love.

The Art of Mindful Living will assist you in understanding the basic concepts of living mindfully, the benefits of embracing awareness as your natural state of being, as well as showing you how to integrate mindfulness into your life in practical ways to create a state of joy, inner calm and flow.

Those who live mindfully:
 are happier
 feel more relaxed, calm, and peaceful
are more connected with everything and everyone
 experience wellbeing
enjoy a deeper sense of self
 and more…

If you’d like to know how living mindfully can transform the way you experience life and the steps to embrace this way of living, I invite you to book your place in this event.

As an empowerment mentor, speaker and author of spiritual growth book ‘Freedom of the Soul’ I bring over 10 years’ experience guiding, supporting and inspiring people to transform their lives in positive ways, to live intentionally and in alignment with their authentic self.

I am confident that each participant will come away from this talk feeling inspired, uplifted and motivated to embrace mindfulness as a new way of being and living.

If this is something that resonates with you, I invite you to book your place.

The Art of Mindful Living
24th August 2018 – 12:30 to 14:00
South Perth Learning Centre

For details and to book your seat click Art of Mindful Living event or visit South Perth Learning Centre