Write a New Story for the New Year

For many people, the end of the year cannot come soon enough as they want to start afresh with the new one. Maybe your year hasn’t been good or as good as expected; maybe unhappy memories ask for your attention and overshadow the happy ones. If you end your year with the desire to be [...]

New Year/ New You Empowering VIP Session

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to think about the things that you’d like to achieve in the year ahead. To ask yourself: What do I really want this year? So you write your resolutions and promise to stay on track. But you know that sometimes this is not enough. Often, no [...]

2017-12-16T12:51:43+08:00December 16th, 2017|Empowerment, Sessions, Wellbeing|

‘Soul Lessons’ at Siddhi Space Open Day

  Come along to the Siddhi Space massive RELAUNCH on the 26th and 27th of August. Joining a wonderful and talented group of facilitators, I will be presenting on both days an introduction to 'Soul Lessons', the classes I will be offering at the centre on a regular basis. The intention behind Soul Lessons is [...]

2017-08-03T11:34:28+08:00August 3rd, 2017|Events|

Uplift Your Life with Affirmations for Success and Abundance

Affirmations used as part of your daily rituals will support you in living a more empowered and conscious life. As part of my intention to living in an empowered and soul filled way, I perform different daily rituals. A quick note on the importance of rituals (I’ll share more about this topic on another blog): they can be as [...]

2017-08-15T10:02:38+08:00July 25th, 2017|Free Resources, Tools and practices|


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