Create Your Vision for 2025 workshop – 30/12/24

Create Your Vision for 2025 workshop. Clarify your intentions, unleash your creativity, and receive expert coaching to transform your desires into reality. The New Year is the perfect time to reflect, define and recharge your vision. Join my friend Renata and me in 'Create your Vision for 2025', a fun and uplifting workshop where you [...]

7 Practices to Help You Get Off the Emotional Roller-coaster

7 Practices to Help You Get Off the Emotional Roller-coaster We are so powerful and resilient that we CAN handle many aspects of us and our lives at once even when they want to pull us in different directions. We can be sad/scared/insecure/hurting… and we can still remain hopeful and focused on where we want to [...]

Raise your Vibrations & Step into your Power Workshop – 4/8/19

Raise Your Vibration & Step into Your Power Workshop - 4/8/19    We are immersed in a vibrational world and we are constantly giving and receiving energy. How you respond to that interaction affects your experience of life. High energy or vibration makes you feel good, balanced, aligned and happy. Low energy is the opposite; [...]

5 Practices that keep you stuck and prevent you from moving forward

5 Practices that keep you stuck & prevent you from moving forward   In my last post, I shared and explained the first step in the process to elevate your life. Step 1: Make the decision to move upward and forward This step is CRUCIAL because it initiates the shifting of energy. It gets the [...]

2019-05-01T11:46:14+08:00April 29th, 2019|Empowerment, Positive habits, Services|

Elevate your life: Move upward and forward

Elevate your life: Move upward and forward My mission and passion is and will always be to support you to consciously elevate you and your life to the next level, so you can fully express who you are destined to be and share all that you came here to offer in your unique and perfect [...]

Uplift Your Life with Affirmations for Success and Abundance

Affirmations used as part of your daily rituals will support you in living a more empowered and conscious life. As part of my intention to living in an empowered and soul filled way, I perform different daily rituals. A quick note on the importance of rituals (I’ll share more about this topic on another blog): they can be as [...]

2017-08-15T10:02:38+08:00July 25th, 2017|Free Resources, Tools and practices|


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