The Art of Mindful Living workshop – 25/11/18

Due to the success of the last Art of Mindful Living event, I have decided to hold it again! This time in Mandurah. The practice of mindfulness is ancient, but only recently has been widely publicised, supported and embraced due to its many benefits. For that reason I’d like to bring to you The Art [...]

The Art of Mindful Living Workshop – 13/10/18

Due to the success of the last Art of Mindful Living event, I have decided to hold it again! In this workshop, you will learn about the importance of turning down the volume of your inner chatter, simple ways to refocus your attention to create inner peace,  and how to find joy in the simplicity [...]

2021-03-18T07:30:33+08:00August 30th, 2018|Events, Mindset, Soul Filled Living, Wellbeing, Workshops|

Soul Lessons – to Nourish Your Mind and Nurture Your Soul

Are you ready to nourish your mind and nurture your soul so you can create and live the life you desire?  I have created Soul Lessons as an answer to my soul’s calling to share spiritual teachings and practical tools to help you live a more conscious, inspired and empowered life. The lessons offer you a space where week [...]

2021-03-18T07:30:09+08:00August 3rd, 2018|Classes, Events, Soul Filled Living|

‘Shine Your Light’ Awakening Group Program – July/August 2018

During this program you will be guided and supported to look within, honour yourself, and build a nurturing relationship with you. Working together you will build the foundations where your new empowered self can flourish and shine. One of my aims as a teacher is to simplify spiritual principles, lessons and tools so that they’re [...]

2018-06-07T09:58:47+08:00June 3rd, 2018|Empowerment, Events, Services, Soul Filled Living|

Soul Lessons to Nourish Your Spirit and Empower Your Mind – Round number 3!

I am delighted to be starting another round of Soul Lessons, sharing spiritual teachings and practical tools to help you live a more conscious, inspired and empowered life. Soul Lessons are for you if you’d like to enjoy more happiness, heightened vibration and inner growth, as well as more flow, peace and balance in your life. [...]

2018-04-15T11:19:55+08:00March 31st, 2018|Classes, Events, Soul Filled Living|

A Successful Masterclass

The Elevate your Life Masterclass – ‘Embracing a Positive Mindset’ was a huge success! The masterclass was a great opportunity to talk about how our thoughts and limiting beliefs influence our experiencing of life, present some powerful ways on how to create more of what we want, and offer some simple practices to take control of our [...]

2018-04-21T09:49:06+08:00March 21st, 2018|Events, Masterclass, Mindset|

NEW Masterclass: ‘The Art of Feeling Happy, Abundant & Successful by Embracing a Positive Mindset’

Most of us, at some point struggle with feeling unsuccessful, unfulfilled, and unabundant. We’ve never been taught that what we experience in our everyday life is a direct reflection of our mindset; furthermore, that by changing our mindset we can transform our life. This is what you’ll experience in this new Elevate your Life Masterclass. [...]

2018-02-18T11:36:42+08:00February 18th, 2018|Classes, Events, Mindset|

Tips to Set Your Theme for the New Year

At the beginning of each year, many people make lists of New Year’s resolutions with the intention to improve, change, let go, reduce, increase, quit, and so on. Comes February and those resolutions feel too hard to accomplish, have lost their appeal and are usually abandoned. This behavior creates a cycle of guilt, frustration, and disappointment around resolutions that follows [...]

2018-01-21T14:43:58+08:00January 20th, 2018|Mindset, Positive habits, Tools and practices, Wellbeing|

New Year/ New You Empowering VIP Session

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to think about the things that you’d like to achieve in the year ahead. To ask yourself: What do I really want this year? So you write your resolutions and promise to stay on track. But you know that sometimes this is not enough. Often, no [...]

2017-12-16T12:51:43+08:00December 16th, 2017|Empowerment, Sessions, Wellbeing|

Your Thoughts Are Powerful – Use Them To Create The Life You Desire

I am always reading, I LOVE reading and I am sure that’s one of the reasons I became an author. At present, I am reading ‘How to win friends and influence people’, an all-time classic that Dale Carnegie wrote in 1936.  This book was written a long time ago - even before my dad was born! but [...]

2017-12-17T10:06:44+08:00November 30th, 2017|Empowerment, Mindset|


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